1. ‘Upturned Ark’ Exhibition 1990 . Pitt Rivers Museum, Oxford. Nine artists were invited by Chris Dorsett to each make a piece of work to be placed in the Pitt Rivers Museum to somehow reflect and temporarily add to the collection. The piece shown here is ‘The Telephone, The Camera and the Smoothing Iron’. A papier-maché sculpture with shaded drawing combined into the paper-maché process - a three dimensional cross-hatched drawing…
2. Cow Parade, London 2002 ‘The Civic Cow’ . Fibreglass cows decorated by artists to raise money for charity. The Civic Cow is painted as if made from marble with block-work as seem in many London statues. The hope was that it would blend in to a classical aged environment. Unfortunately, the organisers placed the cow in Burlington Arcade, Piccadilly, so the old and weathered look made it look somewhat incongruous…