Gallery III
Various Themes / Broad Thoughts from a Home
Distance No Object.jpg

'Distance No Object' 250x580mm pencil and ink on acrylic . 1980

Antipodal Sculpture.jpg

'Antipodal Sculpture' . 480x760mm . pencil, ink and collage . 1980

Blank Screen.No Sound.jpg

'Blank Screen.No Sound' 620x440mm ink,gouache, pencil, process white . 1987

L'oiseau chanteur rococo.jpg

‘L’oiseau chanteur rococo' (The Rococo Singing Bird’) 250x580mm . pencil, ink and collage . 1983


'Calculus' 1975 ink . Cleveland International Drawing Biennale 1975

Proportional Presentation 1976 . ink, gouache marker pen, collage.jpg

'Proportional Presentation' . ink, gouache,college . 1976

Shanty Drawing.jpg

2 titles: “Marine Symphony No.1” or “Sea Shanty” , viewer decides . ink, collage, process white, cow gum 1976

When your pick a flower...jpg

‘Original Blank Slate*’ 660x480mm (*explanation eventually found on the reverse of the slate) . ink, collage . 1974

Fireplace construction.jpg

'Broad Thoughts from a Home' I . ink, collage, process white 600x400mm . 1983

Flat-pack Rembrandt.jpg

'Broad Thoughts froma Home' II ink, collage, process white 600x400mm .1983

Peas in a Pod.jpg

'Broad Thoughts from a Home' III ink, watercolour, collage 600x400mm . 1983

Three Days Away from Home is where the Heart Is.jpg

'3 Days away from Home is where the Heart is' ink, watercolour, collage 400x300mm 1978

The Centre of the World.jpg

'The Centre of the World' ink 302x200mm 1973

Property of the Education Committee.jpg

'Property of the Education Committee' pencil and ink 325x250mm 1973

No Title (museums).jpg

'No Title (museums)' ink 350x250mm 1973
